Perineal tear classification is a system used to quantify the severity of trauma to the perineum during vaginal childbirth. Delivery may lead to overstretching of the vagina, causing tears in the perineal tissue between the vagina and rectum. Lacerations are classified into four categories:[1] [2]
First degree tear: laceration is limited to the fourchette and superficial perineal skin or vaginal mucosa
Second degree tear: laceration extends beyond fourchette, perineal skin and vaginal mucosa to perineal muscles and fascia, but not the anal sphincter
Third degree tear: fourchette, perineal skin, vaginal mucosa, muscles, and anal sphincter are torn
Fourth degree tear: fourchette, perineal skin, vaginal mucosa, muscles, anal sphincter, and rectal mucosa are torn
Third degree tears may be further subdivided into three subcategories:[3]
3a: partial tear of the external anal sphincter involving less than 50% thickness
3b: greater than 50% tear of the external anal sphincter
3c: internal sphincter is torn
ну да. у них четыре. и я помню, что четыре. а в нашей классификации три. а я уж подумала, что совсем сбрендила, когда написала 4ре